Thursday, April 28, 2016

Understanding "Gun Buybacks"

When gun prohibitionists use the term "gun buyback," gun rights advocates laugh. "Pfft, you can't buy back something you never owned." The enemy knows this, but the use of the phrase belies their world view.

Statists think the State owns everything, and no one does anything without their permission. All rights are property rights; for the State to control everyone and everything, they must own everyone and everything. Therefore, they are not being sloppy when they say "gun buyback," it just reflects a world view where our guns belong to them anyway, and they're just letting us use them.

Friday, February 12, 2016

A Terrorist By Any Other Name

     Obama has recently ordered that Muslim terrorist records be destroyed. This is consistent with his willful failure to take the Islamic threat seriously. By doing so, he is fomenting the rise of Islamic fascism and violence in this country, and sewing seeds of fear among its people.
     By not taking terrorism seriously,and at the same time villifying American patriots as "domestic extremists," political elites and bureaucrats can justify applying counter-terrorism measures to American citizens. Our government is actively associating ISIS with liberty activists.

     There are those in the liberty movement who see nothing wrong with giving the
government unlimited power to pursue terrorists, not realizing that same power can and will be turned against them. It is foolish to try to fight one threat by giving a more powerful and just as evil threat unlimited resources.